

AMBERLITE IRA67RF is a weak base anion exchange resin with a gel type acrylic matrix. It has a high capacity, excellent physical stability, fast kinetics, outstanding resistance to organic fouling and a basicity higher than that of polystyrenic weak base resins. Due to its excellent organic reversibility, AMBERLITE IRA67RF is successfully used to demineralise surface waters containing high amounts of organic matter. It is also used in many other applications including deionization of citric acid, whey, gelatine, acid removal from formaldehyde, purification of antibiotics, etc...The particle size distribution of AMBERLITE IRA67RF has been specifically selected to give optimum performance in packed and floating bed applications.

Hlavní vlastnosti ionexu

Název IRA67RF
Skelet Akrylát-DVB
Druh Gel
Funkce Slabě bazický
Typ Anex
Iontová forma FB
Minimální celková kapacita 1.60 mol/L
Sypná hmotnost 700 g/L
Maximální teplota 75 °C